среда, 6 марта 2013 г.

3rd diet day

Finally it's finished!

     So, I did it. It wasn't that hard but it's so boring to eat only buckwheat...
Now thinking to eat normal food from tomorrow. Just small portions...Will think about it later.
So, my weight now is 58,8 kilos. I lost one kilo and 200 gramms. Not bad for two days of diet...Will check it tomorrow again to know how many kilos I lost in 3 days. 
   Did pic of my belly. It's just webcam photo. Feeling lazy to do it from my Nikon...

I hate those fat sides =( So, I will keep fighting. 
Wish me good luck =) I really need it!
That's it for today!
Bye byeeee <3

вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

2nd day of my diet

Second day

     So, second day of my diet is finished. It was fine, not hard at all. Just my mom bought sweets to me and it was a big wish to try a piece of it) But I didn't do it. Because I need to lose weight. Today did no sport, nothing...Just because periods has started. Feeling so so. 
    I bought dietary supplement today and hope it will help me...
That's it for today. Have no energy for blogging =(

понедельник, 4 марта 2013 г.

First day of my diet is finished!

I did it!!!

   First day of my diet is finished. And it was very easy today!Hope that all week will be like this easy. Just only one BIG minus - I didn't drink water at all...even half glass of water. I did drink few cups of green tea with lemon, water with lemon+honey+water and airan...that's it.
Tomorrow will fix this because water is very important when you in a way of losing weight...no, not like this...WATER IS IMPORTANT FOR HEALTH! Not only when someone want to lose weight...
So, in general day was easy. I didn't want to eat anything sweet and wasn't hungry. It a big big plus to this diet! but let's  see how long I can do this =) Last time it was only for 2 days =D 
Tomorrow need to buy vitamins, because if you decided to keep mono-diet you MUST take poly vitamins or hair, nails, teeth  and health in general will be not good. So, i have to buy tomorrow...
Sooooo, it's pretty much it!
I am happy that i achieved my goal for today!
Inna's body is my dream! She is perfection! <3 So, I hope that some day I will have body and someone will say that "it's a body of my dream"...

1st day of my diet

First day is always hardest 

     So, today is the first day of my diet and it goes well. The hardest part always is just to start.
But I moivated myself and now I am ready more than ever!
As I planned, I will eat buckwheat and drink airan. Will try to do it for whole week.
I am very motivated because soon I will be with my boyfriend and I want to impress him)
But the main point is that I want to impress myself first and want to show myself that I can do it! That's what i have now:

And this what I want to have:

воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Time for changes

Как всегда, начинаю всё с понедельника)))) Надеюсь, что в этот раз это будет не так, как всегда, а более серьёзно. Хочу почистить свой организм, скинуть лишний вес и привести свои волосы, кожу в хороший вид) 
На эту неделю план такой  -  хочу попробовать просидеть на гречневой диете до следующего понедельника. Будет трудно, но нужно дать старт. На данный момент мой вес 60 кг и рост 165 см. Многовато для моего роста. Для начала хочу сбросить 6 кило, а в идеале 8. Так что задача не очень простая, но вполне осуществимая.
После гречневой диеты начинаю правильно питаться и не есть после 19.00. 
Надо научиться выпивать хотя бы литр воды в день.
Планов много, но надеюсь, что всё у меня получится.
Моё утро будет проходить так:
1) После того, как проснусь - ложка льняного масла
2) Через 20 минут стакан тёплой воды с соком лимоном и чайной ложкой мёда
3) Завтрак
Что бы следить за своими результатами, буду выкладывать фото раз в неделю. Так что, вот ЧТО я имею на сегодня (признаюсь честно, живот немного втянула здесь)
Удачи мне!)))